Sunday, September 24, 2006
so cool..i slp d longest tdae..11-12hrs..first time i slp for so long..sad lar..ytd practically no1 tag other thn janice ` egg ...anyway i still cANt find my literature ws..niddat photo-copy..bOohOo..i hate photo-copyin other choices..the descriptive writing nth write one..mine very borin...even weimei says tat mine is very `luo shuo` characters..all present tense..haix..y re all free writings so difficult???!!!haix..`pls tagg more
Saturday, September 23, 2006
heather..d thngs u suggested me to do to make my bro treat me better ll nt work i tell u..although wad i say re nt always trust me on tis..they ll nvr work..if its so easy..thn he wun treat me so badly since young..shout at me..push all the fault to me..make me nt slp juz to help him wif his work..nvr grateful..`de chun jin chi` [ i thnk my han yu pin ying is so wrong ]..i doubt anyth can chang his attitude towards me or my family members..`he treats thm omost as bad..
urgh....grr..arhh...wads so wrong wif me???!!!!!i cant find my lit ws..tats bad enough..thn my blogskin so so my com see so weird..wad so wrong wif tis comp too!!so tat angry!!at least nt as crazy as my bro..comp slow..he cried!!so crazy one lar..*did heather chang her blogg music / song**ll tag j3an]] after exam..(= smiles always
Friday, September 22, 2006
i hate him!!
y is he liddat tat??
he's my brother!!my brother!!my own younger brother!!he takes my thngs wifout askin..wifout permission..he uses them wifout me knowin..i hate him!!really!!pure hatred to tis guy!!tis fellow!!tis snob!!
hw can he make me feel so helpless..y mus i bear wif his attitude!!y me??y my other cousins dunve tis kind of brothers?y mus i b his sister??
life is unfair!!life is cruel!!life is merciless!!
isnt it true u tell me??
yeahh..tdae's 3tests finished le..i thnk God answered my prayers..aha!my joy is nw complete. (= bt d yr-end exams re approahin soon..`days pass, time pass, will you pass?` so scared!
oso i feel so useless tdae..she called me to call her to tell her the synonyms of d word i 4gt all abt it!!hw 4gtful can i gt?haix...emotional torture?? much hmwk tdae!!tis is a reminder to all : on mondae bring music file...must rmb to bring lar...
thn d tchr [ cuz ms wong din sum..he replaced her.. ] very funny..much much more funnier thn the ye lao shi..dunoe his name..d frist thng he did was to tell us to do d sutoku or hw u sp tat..thn he told ur tat he who finished d sutoku first ll gt fr him a reader's digest which was lik a big deal..who dunve reader's disgest lar..only depend if d person was to read it or crystal n i re nt tat patient..once he gt out of d class..crystal n i tear d paper into pieces..haha..we so naughty..okaee..i m naughty crystal guai guai..*so frustrated..d comp so live messager or wadeva u call tat kept nt respondin!!grr..`i <3>
Thursday, September 21, 2006
tdae is a fun n great day if take out a few moments...
er...i hate d mass ex..mrs chng so bad...giv us do so many jumping cruel..we re innocent!!y treat ur wif such cruelty``i thnk d sp shld b wrong ar``
lit period quite alr..quite fun..thn sci pretty borin..crystal very hyper durin sci lesson..dunoe wad so hyper..thn d other one so quiet..haix..cant they b jovial n bouyant??haix..
pc lesson is so fun!!*my vocab so limited..only use trillin d same as fun??*
d tchr ask ur out of friends, close friends, boy/girl friend, husband/wife..n two more i ve no idea hw to sp..sad lar!!thn me heather diana kenlia crystal n blahblahblah chose close friends the most important..though d tchr said husband shld b more important..mayb cuz she tdae's pc is much better than last week's pc..
at d bus-stop, heather n i were ther eatin chips..thn heather's one no taste one..almost tasteless..bland..thn she said i lost my sense of taste..sad lar..thn she says cuz hers actually gt nt a lot of taste..thn we joked all the way until d bus stop at d stop i alightin..juz a few minutes b4 i alighted..heather spilled her water bottle thn her blouse n plastic bag i thnk were funny..u gt to see her queer..
crystal told us skeleton's key , worse lar!!dun quite gt n heather re apparently puzzled lar at sm of d content..tis old man gt stroke thn can write help me..thn gt pushed down thn nt dead?!thn d endin part ther the information went missin cuz crystal go eat smth..aiyo!!she cant go for story-tellin lar..nt a bit scary one..she said is a horror show or mirrors better wad..crystal said tat gt mirrors nt creepy..weird mirror thn frightenin cuz they ll say wad the person see sm blurry image of smth behind him...or a headless thngy behind..or wadeva spine-tingling thngs they can say...
<3 heather n weimei's envy of their blogg n them of cuz..
haix..tmr gt three test..
1.history test
2.home economics test [ grp1 ]
3.word power test
pray for me!!so scared of the tests...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
i m in a fix..shld i stay bk after skool tis fri for bible study n go hm wif heather?or shld i go hm straight n cram notes into my head...wads d rite choice..both re as important..i mus mak a choice..sm1 help me out of mind is in a turmoil..mayb to u tis is i dunoe wad to do??arhhh..she wan me go for bible study..she said a must??pls...
i m really keep my hands off..since thngs dun chang in spite...changed through faith or wadeva..dun care nw..keep myself occupied wif stuff..skool wk n stress..wad to do??try to gt along wif friends..sec1 sch days goi end le..
may we gt to d same class next yr
miracle!!my mom said my chinese was quite gd..tat time she said nt very gd..tat marks was like lower??by one mark or so??oh yeahh!!God makes miracles!!Thank God!!
my blogg is so borin..try to make it more interestin...after yr-end exam...
try my best..
love is all around
arh!!tis week gt so many tests..out of d blue...wahh..
tmr : word power mock-test [tdae nid find meanings of all d words...tough luck... ]
thu : music n word power test..
fri : history [ tis is open-bk?? sm1 tell me?! ] n hm econs test...
*i haven even revise...
**no time to blogg so often...tis weekend thn blog little time..
mr chua nt gd one... dunwan giv us bk test bad...
haven gt bk cl ke wai my marks gd alr??hope shldn't b gd...scored lower than d previous test...thn mom still nt contented..
oh yeahh..geog scored full amrks..quite gd..i m impressed by my own mark...3cheers for diana n lena!!!they scored full marks too!!so elated (= ..i m crazy..i confess!!
``to me another gd sweet thng..
i thnk thy patch up le...she responded to her patch up le??
^yu guo tian qing^?rainbow after a rain?haha...
hope ever'ythng gt patch up...
Monday, September 18, 2006
smth mus b very wrong..unless bein nt concentrated is a reason..
she juz cant gt me?!told her is qn1 she told qn2?!thn tell her all 5options she still say wrong?!omg!smth is juz wrong..everythng is wrong tdae..
yOohOo..i finished readin d book le..nt lik a big deal bt i din break my promise to her..
haix..tis promise sure means smth..til nw i ve nt yet do my hmwk..revise for hm econs..dig out my hy hmwk wkbk pg116..pack my books [ in a terrible mess ] much to litle time..
bOohOo..SHE so angry tdae [beginning of dae] as if it's my fault..shout, n smmore facin me, so loudly..i din do it!!it's d person bsid me who did it..lik it's my fault..caused me to b sad durin p.e. ...glad after p.e. i m nt tat sad...nt my fault!nt my fault!bu fen qing hong zao bai!!!!so true!
quite true smth...
i m quite sure if it were to b sm1 else..u ll nvr shout so loudly at her face..
omg!!wads wrong wif me tdae??
start off wif d day i ve 4gtton to bring history hmwk pg116?!omg!!i told myself to bring it alr lar!!wads wrong wif me..wads more i 4gtton to bring my d&t ttbk n handbk!!for the first time tis yr i ve 4gtton to bring so many thngs...crystal accused me to spreadin tis `wads wrong wif me!!i 4gtton to bring___` so if it's my fault?!
the worst thng tat happen to me tat really cause me to thnk abt is tat i climbed all d way fr 1floor to the 16floor cuz i totally freaked out seein so many cockroaches!!euww!!!i walked past so many blocks all i saw were the same!!cockroaches!cockroaches!yuckk!!disgustin!!i mus ve done smth for so many bad n unluckly thngs to happen on me...
wad luck i ve tdae...heather nt on9 too..hw bad can thngs go...sobs*sobs*chang my luck for the better,pls Lord.amen.
4gt to tell u hw worn out i ve been..thkx to d flight of stairs i add on my skool bag.. T_T''
Sunday, September 17, 2006
time table for yr-end exams
->>>note hw much time u re left wif
->>>or my note to self``
3oct / tue 1. 0800-0945 english lang /p1 [1h 45min]
2. 1050-1235 history [1h 45min]
*recess 1010-1045
4oct / wed 1. 0800-930 mathematics / p2 [1h 30min]
2. 1050-1235 geography [1h 45min]
*recess 1010-1045
5oct / thu 1. 0800-1000 mother tongue / p1 [2h]
0800-1000 hcl / p1 [2h]
2. 1045-1230 literature [1h 45min]
*recess 1005-1040
6oct / fri 1. 0800-0940 english lang / p2 [1h 40min]
2. 1025-1225 lower sec science [2h]
*recess 0945-1020
9oct / mon 1. 0800-0915 design&technology [1h15]
2. 1000-1130 mother tongue / p2 [1h30min]
1000-1200 hcl / p2 [2h]
3. 1230-1255 mother tongue LC [45min]
*recess 0920-0955 and 1135-1225
10oct / tue 1. 0800-0900 mathematics / p1 [1h]
2. 0950-1105 home economics [1h 15min]
*recess 0905-0940
11oct / wed 1.0800-1215 english lang / oral &
chinese lang / oral
12oct / thu 1. 0800-1000 art [2h]
oh boy oh boy..
my dad tdae chang lights..2nd time bt again, he crossed the wires n thn no of cuz, shut down automatically lar...haix..i really doubt he shld chang lights again unless no1 else scary..suddenly the monitor is pitch black...i hope tis wont happen again...
( o ) z z Z Z
() ."'. )
( 0 ) Huh!
(' ' ')):(/"')___
dun ask me wads tat ^^^^
i ve no idea too..
juz publish for fun
i m bored...nth to do one...
too lazy to do my assesments...zzZZ...
nth much to blog abt...wad to do leh..or who wan to chat wif me??bored..zzZZ...haix..ltr thn decid wad to do wid d presents..stupid..4gt haven wrap..nvm..ltr thn put insid translucent small bags..T_T...
so happy to know tat ther re ppl showin their corcern for me!!thank you!!so glad to ve u by my side..
may the truth be disclosed tmr
heather!!includin tis entry i posted 5entries tdae alr!!
dun be sad..thngs ll gt better..
o o
( 'o' )
cheer up!!
anyway, love every1..
care for every1..includin ur so-called 'enemy' n friends..
tats all i ll say.. i advise all of u who read tis entry to thnk n listen to ur b4 doi anythnk
i dare say friendship problems are d most complicated of all problems.
u nvr know y bt it is..wadeva u do,u noe in ur heart, tat it ll break her heart..u ll know u still do it..i m nt helpin any1..neither u nor her..i wont noe wad to do if i were any of u 2..thngs ll be solved..i assure u..leave it into God's can be ll be solved..
is ther really smth to feel happy abt?or iz it juz tat i cant see it??mayb wif u to lead me i ll happy..cheerful..nt tat i make myself to seem so pathetic..i juz post wad i feel..iz it wrong..if it's wrong thn i stop doi tat..i ll try to make my entries light-hearted, heather, n of cuz nt so sad.i really hope to post 5entries/day.. bt cant..its nearin the exams alr..cant blog so often le..i dunwan to b addicted too..oh yeahh..i really wont, heather, find it irritatin..
ok...tdae's a borin dae...i woke up at 7.45+.then i brush up.then i watch tv for a while.then sm1 called.tat person is sister very unhappy..cuz she called very early..nt first time alr..after hungin the phone..i complete my last hmwk..then i called weimei to ask hw to do sm questions..then at ard 10 i thnk i called heather to ask her sci hmwk..then she said she complete le then call n tell me her answers n we talked..then hung up cuz my hse phone goi no still i din charg it cuz the charger in my sis rm then she locked her door..then cant charg lar..then i watched tv..then heather called..then watch tv..then heather call???i 4gt hw many times she called lar...paisehh..then i watch tv..then i bathe..then we went out..tampiness to fetch my mom n punggol to ve our lunch..then compass point to buy smth presents..then come bk...then use com...then read tags..reply tags..then try link heather cuz she 4gt to link herself or dunwan to link herself...then ended up her n jasmine on the same line..cant chang very fustrated....
>>>so borin rite??
Saturday, September 16, 2006
The four candles burn slowly. The ambience was so soft you could hear them talking.
The first one :"I AM PEACE! however, nobody can keep me lit. I belive I will go out." It's flame rapidly diminishes and goes out completely.
The second one says:"I AM FAITH! Most of all, I am no longer indispensable, it does'nt make any sense that I stay lit any longer." When it finished talking, a breeze softly blew on it putting it out.
Sadly, the third candle spoke in its turn:"I AM LOVE! I haven't got the strenght to stay lit. People put me aside and don't understand my importance. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them." And waiting no longer it goes out.
Suddenly... a chlid enters the room and sees three candles not burning. "Why are you not burning? You are supposed to stay lit till the end." Saying this, the child begins to cry.
Then the fourth candle said: "Don't be afraid, while I am still burning we can re-light the other candles, I AM HOPE!"
With shining eyes, the child took the candle of hope and lit the other candles.
The flame of HOPE should never go out from your life... and that each of us can maintain HOPE, FAITH, PEACE and LOVE!!!
haix..hw cum suddenly gt ppl wan to help me chang my m i goin to tell those i asked for help to chang my blogskin...sry...i m really sry...apologised...
oh yeahh...heather u said tat u ll be prayin for her every hr..did u manage n rmb to do tat...i din leh...too bz..n miracles do happen when u wish hard for it...they ll find the culprit soon n mayb on monday they found the may b is to believe in something u dun see.
hope d culprit ll b found soon..
the class photos re so nice!!!bt sadly cuz givin out d photos crystal n i missed our bible study...wads more i m nt able to attend the bible study after sch fr next week onwards cuz gg stopped mus join heather n sihui grp for bible study...
lets talk abt the photos...they re really really nice..i like d fun2 i thnk...d one wif 3parts of the photo at the bottom..i like it d most...especially i can see crystal n diana they all more's bigger too...luckily i bought all 3photos..i ll really regret if i chose 2only...hope next yr class photo ll look nicer than tis..i m nt sayin tis yr photo is nt nice?!!dun gt me wrong..
treasure photos cuz they re part of beautiful n sweet memory....
y re we driftin away n away...our gap gettin bigger as days go it 'cuz the fact we din meet up tis yr???or wad..i dun really understand y we re driftin away fr ea. other...i dunwan it tis way...we seldom chat on9...and ur com seemed like it gt probs...u keep on9in n off9in...i dun even noe wad to talk to u even if u re on9 for a very long time..mayb i ll ask how re u??how's u been bk to hws??do u noe when is the mid-autumn festival celebration??when ll u go bk to ur pri sch??>>>i thnk tats all i ll chat wif u...
i really hope...wish...tat our gap ll be closer..and tat my friends tis yr n i ll nvr drift away fr ea. other...we ll learn more abt ea. other as days go by...
ps:whoeva knows when hws is celebrating mid-autumn festival, pls tell me by taggin me..


life is so nt fair!!i juz wanted to watch tv oso cant!!fine!!then i dun go and check if i needed to chang specs!!he oso watch tv yet u din scold him..when i want to watch tv u chided me!!y re u so bias!!cant u be impartial!!!be fair!!u treat him so much better than me!!y is tis so???
i guess things ll nvr be the same again..

u thnk i like he's my brother..wad u wan me to do??no matter how much i dislike him...i cant steal his password...its very easy to steal his password...i ll be dead if he knows tat i went to chang his url...i m dead...
tis statement is so true..boys re indeed stupid..especially brothers...they re so bias!!
I so hate freaking copycats.
Just leave my things alone, wont they?
Well I think Huiqing's blog is getting nicer and nicer..
Cant we like, get original and use our own copyrights.
Give this whole blog a copyright.
Then YOU dont stand a chance of copying things.
stop copying. mind yur own business. go away. shoo. be original and create yur own things. <>
can we go out on 17oct pls?


friendship is like a seed that needs to be nurtured and cared for or it will just wither and dies.


i treasure friends alot..i <3 all my friends!!they re my comfort..they bring me delightful moments and delightful memories..seein them smile juz make me smile on most occasions...though i hope n hioe wif all my heart they ll nvr leave i noe its quite impossible..
my gd friends eva:heather, kenlia,crystal, weimei,sihui, diana, xinyu, suhui....
other friends re friends eva..too many..too lazy too type them out one by one..xD

lets say smth happy or at least more ppl tagg me lar..the tagboard very the pathetic leh..
wad thng is happy,joyful?perhaps seein kittens or any other animals?arent they cute?y sm ppl say they look mean..
wad ll u all do when u re happy?sing?listen to music?draw or wad?or revise wk?or play com games?or view blogs?or go ur own blog,update or smth liddat?or slp??
>>>i really wish to noe wad u all do..
i really agree wif mr koh's devotion..the one abt speech...oh yeahh ytd i said a lot of encouragin crystal...cuz she learnt wrong chapters for our cl test...words can hurt us much more than things...or so..i agree wif the very least,physical wounds will heal much faster than the wounds in out hearts..they may nt even heal..though it is said tat time heals all wounds...i dun believe tat..i dun buy tat in fact...
especially words fr friends hurts me deeper than anyone's words...though i m nt really careful wif my words, i wont request them to be careful wif their words..<-i din say tat to proke or spite anyone hor!!>>dun gt me wrong...who likes to be mistaken?i doubt noone...
especially tis sentence fr her:i hate u all.i dun nid tis kind of friends. it hurt me a lot...a lot..i wonder when ll i ever heal...when i gt hurt n hurt n hurt over n over n over again..perhaps i ll be numb to least i din suffer for nth..i tried to be cant help to feel sad when they left me alone..i dunoe how to gt bk to d grp again unless sm1 called me or pulled me or asked me a question only ll then i m bk in the grp..smth i m really cant blend ther a trick to it..i hope nt...
lets say smth happy..
>>>laughin is a joy!!
its tat counted?
bt i m happy i ve friends for me...friends whom i tik wont abandon me...friends whom i believe ll be there for me...friends whom i wish can share my burden...friends whom i wish ll encourage and comfort me..<-i tnk they did it...who who has friends is a blessed one...dun u agree?i love all my friends, i hate to see them heart breaks along wif them...smtm i m really lost...wad shld i fair..or follow my wadeva it tells me to do?i m sufferin in the pain ll slowly be relieved..i ll then be numb to pain or so i wish...i ll be learnin hw to be strong the hard way since things seemed tis way...who m i to chang it..since i cant even chang the way i live my life...follow wadeva rules they set for me..though i know they did tat for my gd..or so...i tnk i dun appreciate...perhaps i near future..who knows the future bt the lord?who knows the future bt the lord...who hold my hand bt the lord himself...who hold my hand bt the lord himself?
wif friends as my pillar or support and the lord,i ll be strong n nt giv up..
he's far too much!!!nt only did he disrupt my sleep..he used the word chocolate in his blog url...he even changed the msn menu?..u call tat it tat or wad?he went to chang it!!how can he do tat..y re brothers like tat?!cant they treat their sisters better...y he treats my sister better than me??cuz he sees her only twice a week or wad?!life is so unfair..he can gt away wif things...while i cant??unfair..i marks re higher than his yet my parents nvr chided him abt his leh...they chided me..y?y re things like tis...cant everything be successful...cant i ve things my way??y?i hate things as they re...some friendships re re gettin re mendin...y sad things happen to me??y me???
wadsmore he's youger than me...he's far unreasonable than me...cant he treat me better??like how he treat my elder sister???y?y?how cum i ve problems in friendship and kinship??wads gd abt me???take for example my our recent maths common test...i scored37.5/40 yet my dad said 40/40 is gd???!!!tat means my marks is terrible..tats wad he's tryin to tell me..does he knows tat wadever he says leave a deep impression in my heart..he said tat i din study hard enough...i seldom watch tv...they made me slp early at night at 9..they set tis new night cant watch 7 to wadeva time i slp i can only study...
y arent they contented wif my they know tat they re causin a lot of stress..i m so afraid i gt sm marks they arent happy wif n i doubt i can use com le..they may even chang sch for wad they intended to do if i din gt gd results for mid-yr...
cant anyone share my gt heavier n heavier as yr-end exam date is closer n closer...y?y? so much hmwk...haven even started....haix....even tdae i m nt allowed to ve a peaceful stupid brother go on the sound so loud loud....
he is far too much...he copied!!he's a sickenin copycat!!or copydog..wadeva...his blog url is irritatin...i hate him more nw...
y re brothers like tis...cant he giv their sisters more joy than sadness...d no. of times he gav me joy, i can count wif my the case of sadness...its far too much...i doubt i can count it...
hu can help chang my bkground..its so disgustin...yuck!!
ps:flood my tagboard..its few tags...
Friday, September 15, 2006
everyone please do not post any tags before huiqing.. let her be the first one to tag at her own tagboard..
huiqing: after u tag and see this note, pls delete this post.
(to delete go edit post there and click delete)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
colours can oso represent feelings. .e.g. black can mean a person feeling helpless, hopeless,down... blue means loneliness, moody,uphappy... *monday blues* green means jealously*umm..i ve no idea how to sp tis word <-*, envy of smone.. white can mean elegant, pure, innocent....
hmm... the other colours i m nt so sure.... red means anger?or bluntness? pink?embarrass?ashamed? yellow and orange means happy?euphoric?hopeful?cheerful? purple leh?urgh so many colours... how i know all...
haix...despite nt knowin y things mus turn out tis way...friends advised me to treat them the same,equally,treat them like they had nt quarrel b4...i m still very uncertain abt tis...i will try...and be happy...although its so hard to be happy when u see friends breakin...wad can i let time heal wounds?bOohOo..umm..i nt sure they gt wounds or nt..aiya anything larz..
when will ms wong come bk??i dun really like tat ye lao shi teachin us chinese...nt sayin tat her teachin style is nt gd...i juz dun like i mus say she is fiercer than ms wong...tmr gt test..i haven study....
urgh,i m still confused...the stupid chemical difficult and confusin...wad physical and chemical changes...wad heat, light, mixing and passin electric current or smt confusing...i think i really need tuition....
who knows wad she is thinkin...she says she ate the humble pie..not me?i dun gt her...wad she mean..wad incident...i think i m either too stupid or oblivious to my surroundings...
urgh...tdae recieved the exams time table...luckily din fall on my happy...euphoric....i dun ve to go to sch on my bdae!!!mayb gt to go out tat dae...
wish i can stay in the best class in express...faith2/1...
i hope and hope with all my heart
yay!!gt a blog bt gt lots of questions...
where to paste the code thingy..i juz cant find this is where u enter ur CBOX code:
whaaa...i cant find...wher is it...i so stupid...haix...still cant figure it out...
sobs*tdae no music test..wasted my time revisin it....haix...tmr gt chinese ke nei test...still haven study....tmr still gt gg...6o'clock then end...still gt 1hr of patrol time...
i gt very low marks for tdae the music quiz...4.5/10 is spellin error..another one is i read wrongly...the others is i dunoe how to do...haix..
my maths test gt 37.5/40...scared my parents nt happy....lost the 2.5 marks at the last page...sobs*
Hii everyone! This is Heather..
But its Huiqing's blog.. Linkk her kaes??
See.. I and Huiqing so close.. the blog URL is similar..
Hope Huiqing blog is a SUCCESS!!!!
Huiqing thanks Heather for helping with her blog.
Ahh. Love it. <3
Sunday, September 24, 2006
so cool..i slp d longest tdae..11-12hrs..first time i slp for so long..sad lar..ytd practically no1 tag other thn janice ` egg ...anyway i still cANt find my literature ws..niddat photo-copy..bOohOo..i hate photo-copyin other choices..the descriptive writing nth write one..mine very borin...even weimei says tat mine is very `luo shuo` characters..all present tense..haix..y re all free writings so difficult???!!!haix..`pls tagg more
Saturday, September 23, 2006
heather..d thngs u suggested me to do to make my bro treat me better ll nt work i tell u..although wad i say re nt always trust me on tis..they ll nvr work..if its so easy..thn he wun treat me so badly since young..shout at me..push all the fault to me..make me nt slp juz to help him wif his work..nvr grateful..`de chun jin chi` [ i thnk my han yu pin ying is so wrong ]..i doubt anyth can chang his attitude towards me or my family members..`he treats thm omost as bad..
urgh....grr..arhh...wads so wrong wif me???!!!!!i cant find my lit ws..tats bad enough..thn my blogskin so so my com see so weird..wad so wrong wif tis comp too!!so tat angry!!at least nt as crazy as my bro..comp slow..he cried!!so crazy one lar..*did heather chang her blogg music / song**ll tag j3an]] after exam..(= smiles always
Friday, September 22, 2006
i hate him!!
y is he liddat tat??
he's my brother!!my brother!!my own younger brother!!he takes my thngs wifout askin..wifout permission..he uses them wifout me knowin..i hate him!!really!!pure hatred to tis guy!!tis fellow!!tis snob!!
hw can he make me feel so helpless..y mus i bear wif his attitude!!y me??y my other cousins dunve tis kind of brothers?y mus i b his sister??
life is unfair!!life is cruel!!life is merciless!!
isnt it true u tell me??
yeahh..tdae's 3tests finished le..i thnk God answered my prayers..aha!my joy is nw complete. (= bt d yr-end exams re approahin soon..`days pass, time pass, will you pass?` so scared!
oso i feel so useless tdae..she called me to call her to tell her the synonyms of d word i 4gt all abt it!!hw 4gtful can i gt?haix...emotional torture?? much hmwk tdae!!tis is a reminder to all : on mondae bring music file...must rmb to bring lar...
thn d tchr [ cuz ms wong din sum..he replaced her.. ] very funny..much much more funnier thn the ye lao shi..dunoe his name..d frist thng he did was to tell us to do d sutoku or hw u sp tat..thn he told ur tat he who finished d sutoku first ll gt fr him a reader's digest which was lik a big deal..who dunve reader's disgest lar..only depend if d person was to read it or crystal n i re nt tat patient..once he gt out of d class..crystal n i tear d paper into pieces..haha..we so naughty..okaee..i m naughty crystal guai guai..*so frustrated..d comp so live messager or wadeva u call tat kept nt respondin!!grr..`i <3>
Thursday, September 21, 2006
tdae is a fun n great day if take out a few moments...
er...i hate d mass ex..mrs chng so bad...giv us do so many jumping cruel..we re innocent!!y treat ur wif such cruelty``i thnk d sp shld b wrong ar``
lit period quite alr..quite fun..thn sci pretty borin..crystal very hyper durin sci lesson..dunoe wad so hyper..thn d other one so quiet..haix..cant they b jovial n bouyant??haix..
pc lesson is so fun!!*my vocab so limited..only use trillin d same as fun??*
d tchr ask ur out of friends, close friends, boy/girl friend, husband/wife..n two more i ve no idea hw to sp..sad lar!!thn me heather diana kenlia crystal n blahblahblah chose close friends the most important..though d tchr said husband shld b more important..mayb cuz she tdae's pc is much better than last week's pc..
at d bus-stop, heather n i were ther eatin chips..thn heather's one no taste one..almost tasteless..bland..thn she said i lost my sense of taste..sad lar..thn she says cuz hers actually gt nt a lot of taste..thn we joked all the way until d bus stop at d stop i alightin..juz a few minutes b4 i alighted..heather spilled her water bottle thn her blouse n plastic bag i thnk were funny..u gt to see her queer..
crystal told us skeleton's key , worse lar!!dun quite gt n heather re apparently puzzled lar at sm of d content..tis old man gt stroke thn can write help me..thn gt pushed down thn nt dead?!thn d endin part ther the information went missin cuz crystal go eat smth..aiyo!!she cant go for story-tellin lar..nt a bit scary one..she said is a horror show or mirrors better wad..crystal said tat gt mirrors nt creepy..weird mirror thn frightenin cuz they ll say wad the person see sm blurry image of smth behind him...or a headless thngy behind..or wadeva spine-tingling thngs they can say...
<3 heather n weimei's envy of their blogg n them of cuz..
haix..tmr gt three test..
1.history test
2.home economics test [ grp1 ]
3.word power test
pray for me!!so scared of the tests...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
i m in a fix..shld i stay bk after skool tis fri for bible study n go hm wif heather?or shld i go hm straight n cram notes into my head...wads d rite choice..both re as important..i mus mak a choice..sm1 help me out of mind is in a turmoil..mayb to u tis is i dunoe wad to do??arhhh..she wan me go for bible study..she said a must??pls...
i m really keep my hands off..since thngs dun chang in spite...changed through faith or wadeva..dun care nw..keep myself occupied wif stuff..skool wk n stress..wad to do??try to gt along wif friends..sec1 sch days goi end le..
may we gt to d same class next yr
miracle!!my mom said my chinese was quite gd..tat time she said nt very gd..tat marks was like lower??by one mark or so??oh yeahh!!God makes miracles!!Thank God!!
my blogg is so borin..try to make it more interestin...after yr-end exam...
try my best..
love is all around
arh!!tis week gt so many tests..out of d blue...wahh..
tmr : word power mock-test [tdae nid find meanings of all d words...tough luck... ]
thu : music n word power test..
fri : history [ tis is open-bk?? sm1 tell me?! ] n hm econs test...
*i haven even revise...
**no time to blogg so often...tis weekend thn blog little time..
mr chua nt gd one... dunwan giv us bk test bad...
haven gt bk cl ke wai my marks gd alr??hope shldn't b gd...scored lower than d previous test...thn mom still nt contented..
oh yeahh..geog scored full amrks..quite gd..i m impressed by my own mark...3cheers for diana n lena!!!they scored full marks too!!so elated (= ..i m crazy..i confess!!
``to me another gd sweet thng..
i thnk thy patch up le...she responded to her patch up le??
^yu guo tian qing^?rainbow after a rain?haha...
hope ever'ythng gt patch up...
Monday, September 18, 2006
smth mus b very wrong..unless bein nt concentrated is a reason..
she juz cant gt me?!told her is qn1 she told qn2?!thn tell her all 5options she still say wrong?!omg!smth is juz wrong..everythng is wrong tdae..
yOohOo..i finished readin d book le..nt lik a big deal bt i din break my promise to her..
haix..tis promise sure means smth..til nw i ve nt yet do my hmwk..revise for hm econs..dig out my hy hmwk wkbk pg116..pack my books [ in a terrible mess ] much to litle time..
bOohOo..SHE so angry tdae [beginning of dae] as if it's my fault..shout, n smmore facin me, so loudly..i din do it!!it's d person bsid me who did it..lik it's my fault..caused me to b sad durin p.e. ...glad after p.e. i m nt tat sad...nt my fault!nt my fault!bu fen qing hong zao bai!!!!so true!
quite true smth...
i m quite sure if it were to b sm1 else..u ll nvr shout so loudly at her face..
omg!!wads wrong wif me tdae??
start off wif d day i ve 4gtton to bring history hmwk pg116?!omg!!i told myself to bring it alr lar!!wads wrong wif me..wads more i 4gtton to bring my d&t ttbk n handbk!!for the first time tis yr i ve 4gtton to bring so many thngs...crystal accused me to spreadin tis `wads wrong wif me!!i 4gtton to bring___` so if it's my fault?!
the worst thng tat happen to me tat really cause me to thnk abt is tat i climbed all d way fr 1floor to the 16floor cuz i totally freaked out seein so many cockroaches!!euww!!!i walked past so many blocks all i saw were the same!!cockroaches!cockroaches!yuckk!!disgustin!!i mus ve done smth for so many bad n unluckly thngs to happen on me...
wad luck i ve tdae...heather nt on9 too..hw bad can thngs go...sobs*sobs*chang my luck for the better,pls Lord.amen.
4gt to tell u hw worn out i ve been..thkx to d flight of stairs i add on my skool bag.. T_T''
Sunday, September 17, 2006
time table for yr-end exams
->>>note hw much time u re left wif
->>>or my note to self``
3oct / tue 1. 0800-0945 english lang /p1 [1h 45min]
2. 1050-1235 history [1h 45min]
*recess 1010-1045
4oct / wed 1. 0800-930 mathematics / p2 [1h 30min]
2. 1050-1235 geography [1h 45min]
*recess 1010-1045
5oct / thu 1. 0800-1000 mother tongue / p1 [2h]
0800-1000 hcl / p1 [2h]
2. 1045-1230 literature [1h 45min]
*recess 1005-1040
6oct / fri 1. 0800-0940 english lang / p2 [1h 40min]
2. 1025-1225 lower sec science [2h]
*recess 0945-1020
9oct / mon 1. 0800-0915 design&technology [1h15]
2. 1000-1130 mother tongue / p2 [1h30min]
1000-1200 hcl / p2 [2h]
3. 1230-1255 mother tongue LC [45min]
*recess 0920-0955 and 1135-1225
10oct / tue 1. 0800-0900 mathematics / p1 [1h]
2. 0950-1105 home economics [1h 15min]
*recess 0905-0940
11oct / wed 1.0800-1215 english lang / oral &
chinese lang / oral
12oct / thu 1. 0800-1000 art [2h]
oh boy oh boy..
my dad tdae chang lights..2nd time bt again, he crossed the wires n thn no of cuz, shut down automatically lar...haix..i really doubt he shld chang lights again unless no1 else scary..suddenly the monitor is pitch black...i hope tis wont happen again...
( o ) z z Z Z
() ."'. )
( 0 ) Huh!
(' ' ')):(/"')___
dun ask me wads tat ^^^^
i ve no idea too..
juz publish for fun
i m bored...nth to do one...
too lazy to do my assesments...zzZZ...
nth much to blog abt...wad to do leh..or who wan to chat wif me??bored..zzZZ...haix..ltr thn decid wad to do wid d presents..stupid..4gt haven wrap..nvm..ltr thn put insid translucent small bags..T_T...
so happy to know tat ther re ppl showin their corcern for me!!thank you!!so glad to ve u by my side..
may the truth be disclosed tmr
heather!!includin tis entry i posted 5entries tdae alr!!
dun be sad..thngs ll gt better..
o o
( 'o' )
cheer up!!
anyway, love every1..
care for every1..includin ur so-called 'enemy' n friends..
tats all i ll say.. i advise all of u who read tis entry to thnk n listen to ur b4 doi anythnk
i dare say friendship problems are d most complicated of all problems.
u nvr know y bt it is..wadeva u do,u noe in ur heart, tat it ll break her heart..u ll know u still do it..i m nt helpin any1..neither u nor her..i wont noe wad to do if i were any of u 2..thngs ll be solved..i assure u..leave it into God's can be ll be solved..
is ther really smth to feel happy abt?or iz it juz tat i cant see it??mayb wif u to lead me i ll happy..cheerful..nt tat i make myself to seem so pathetic..i juz post wad i feel..iz it wrong..if it's wrong thn i stop doi tat..i ll try to make my entries light-hearted, heather, n of cuz nt so sad.i really hope to post 5entries/day.. bt cant..its nearin the exams alr..cant blog so often le..i dunwan to b addicted too..oh yeahh..i really wont, heather, find it irritatin..
ok...tdae's a borin dae...i woke up at 7.45+.then i brush up.then i watch tv for a while.then sm1 called.tat person is sister very unhappy..cuz she called very early..nt first time alr..after hungin the phone..i complete my last hmwk..then i called weimei to ask hw to do sm questions..then at ard 10 i thnk i called heather to ask her sci hmwk..then she said she complete le then call n tell me her answers n we talked..then hung up cuz my hse phone goi no still i din charg it cuz the charger in my sis rm then she locked her door..then cant charg lar..then i watched tv..then heather called..then watch tv..then heather call???i 4gt hw many times she called lar...paisehh..then i watch tv..then i bathe..then we went out..tampiness to fetch my mom n punggol to ve our lunch..then compass point to buy smth presents..then come bk...then use com...then read tags..reply tags..then try link heather cuz she 4gt to link herself or dunwan to link herself...then ended up her n jasmine on the same line..cant chang very fustrated....
>>>so borin rite??
Saturday, September 16, 2006
The four candles burn slowly. The ambience was so soft you could hear them talking.
The first one :"I AM PEACE! however, nobody can keep me lit. I belive I will go out." It's flame rapidly diminishes and goes out completely.
The second one says:"I AM FAITH! Most of all, I am no longer indispensable, it does'nt make any sense that I stay lit any longer." When it finished talking, a breeze softly blew on it putting it out.
Sadly, the third candle spoke in its turn:"I AM LOVE! I haven't got the strenght to stay lit. People put me aside and don't understand my importance. They even forget to love those who are nearest to them." And waiting no longer it goes out.
Suddenly... a chlid enters the room and sees three candles not burning. "Why are you not burning? You are supposed to stay lit till the end." Saying this, the child begins to cry.
Then the fourth candle said: "Don't be afraid, while I am still burning we can re-light the other candles, I AM HOPE!"
With shining eyes, the child took the candle of hope and lit the other candles.
The flame of HOPE should never go out from your life... and that each of us can maintain HOPE, FAITH, PEACE and LOVE!!!
haix..hw cum suddenly gt ppl wan to help me chang my m i goin to tell those i asked for help to chang my blogskin...sry...i m really sry...apologised...
oh yeahh...heather u said tat u ll be prayin for her every hr..did u manage n rmb to do tat...i din leh...too bz..n miracles do happen when u wish hard for it...they ll find the culprit soon n mayb on monday they found the may b is to believe in something u dun see.
hope d culprit ll b found soon..
the class photos re so nice!!!bt sadly cuz givin out d photos crystal n i missed our bible study...wads more i m nt able to attend the bible study after sch fr next week onwards cuz gg stopped mus join heather n sihui grp for bible study...
lets talk abt the photos...they re really really nice..i like d fun2 i thnk...d one wif 3parts of the photo at the bottom..i like it d most...especially i can see crystal n diana they all more's bigger too...luckily i bought all 3photos..i ll really regret if i chose 2only...hope next yr class photo ll look nicer than tis..i m nt sayin tis yr photo is nt nice?!!dun gt me wrong..
treasure photos cuz they re part of beautiful n sweet memory....
y re we driftin away n away...our gap gettin bigger as days go it 'cuz the fact we din meet up tis yr???or wad..i dun really understand y we re driftin away fr ea. other...i dunwan it tis way...we seldom chat on9...and ur com seemed like it gt probs...u keep on9in n off9in...i dun even noe wad to talk to u even if u re on9 for a very long time..mayb i ll ask how re u??how's u been bk to hws??do u noe when is the mid-autumn festival celebration??when ll u go bk to ur pri sch??>>>i thnk tats all i ll chat wif u...
i really hope...wish...tat our gap ll be closer..and tat my friends tis yr n i ll nvr drift away fr ea. other...we ll learn more abt ea. other as days go by...
ps:whoeva knows when hws is celebrating mid-autumn festival, pls tell me by taggin me..


life is so nt fair!!i juz wanted to watch tv oso cant!!fine!!then i dun go and check if i needed to chang specs!!he oso watch tv yet u din scold him..when i want to watch tv u chided me!!y re u so bias!!cant u be impartial!!!be fair!!u treat him so much better than me!!y is tis so???
i guess things ll nvr be the same again..

u thnk i like he's my brother..wad u wan me to do??no matter how much i dislike him...i cant steal his password...its very easy to steal his password...i ll be dead if he knows tat i went to chang his url...i m dead...
tis statement is so true..boys re indeed stupid..especially brothers...they re so bias!!
I so hate freaking copycats.
Just leave my things alone, wont they?
Well I think Huiqing's blog is getting nicer and nicer..
Cant we like, get original and use our own copyrights.
Give this whole blog a copyright.
Then YOU dont stand a chance of copying things.
stop copying. mind yur own business. go away. shoo. be original and create yur own things. <>
can we go out on 17oct pls?


friendship is like a seed that needs to be nurtured and cared for or it will just wither and dies.


i treasure friends alot..i <3 all my friends!!they re my comfort..they bring me delightful moments and delightful memories..seein them smile juz make me smile on most occasions...though i hope n hioe wif all my heart they ll nvr leave i noe its quite impossible..
my gd friends eva:heather, kenlia,crystal, weimei,sihui, diana, xinyu, suhui....
other friends re friends eva..too many..too lazy too type them out one by one..xD

lets say smth happy or at least more ppl tagg me lar..the tagboard very the pathetic leh..
wad thng is happy,joyful?perhaps seein kittens or any other animals?arent they cute?y sm ppl say they look mean..
wad ll u all do when u re happy?sing?listen to music?draw or wad?or revise wk?or play com games?or view blogs?or go ur own blog,update or smth liddat?or slp??
>>>i really wish to noe wad u all do..
i really agree wif mr koh's devotion..the one abt speech...oh yeahh ytd i said a lot of encouragin crystal...cuz she learnt wrong chapters for our cl test...words can hurt us much more than things...or so..i agree wif the very least,physical wounds will heal much faster than the wounds in out hearts..they may nt even heal..though it is said tat time heals all wounds...i dun believe tat..i dun buy tat in fact...
especially words fr friends hurts me deeper than anyone's words...though i m nt really careful wif my words, i wont request them to be careful wif their words..<-i din say tat to proke or spite anyone hor!!>>dun gt me wrong...who likes to be mistaken?i doubt noone...
especially tis sentence fr her:i hate u all.i dun nid tis kind of friends. it hurt me a lot...a lot..i wonder when ll i ever heal...when i gt hurt n hurt n hurt over n over n over again..perhaps i ll be numb to least i din suffer for nth..i tried to be cant help to feel sad when they left me alone..i dunoe how to gt bk to d grp again unless sm1 called me or pulled me or asked me a question only ll then i m bk in the grp..smth i m really cant blend ther a trick to it..i hope nt...
lets say smth happy..
>>>laughin is a joy!!
its tat counted?
bt i m happy i ve friends for me...friends whom i tik wont abandon me...friends whom i believe ll be there for me...friends whom i wish can share my burden...friends whom i wish ll encourage and comfort me..<-i tnk they did it...who who has friends is a blessed one...dun u agree?i love all my friends, i hate to see them heart breaks along wif them...smtm i m really lost...wad shld i fair..or follow my wadeva it tells me to do?i m sufferin in the pain ll slowly be relieved..i ll then be numb to pain or so i wish...i ll be learnin hw to be strong the hard way since things seemed tis way...who m i to chang it..since i cant even chang the way i live my life...follow wadeva rules they set for me..though i know they did tat for my gd..or so...i tnk i dun appreciate...perhaps i near future..who knows the future bt the lord?who knows the future bt the lord...who hold my hand bt the lord himself...who hold my hand bt the lord himself?
wif friends as my pillar or support and the lord,i ll be strong n nt giv up..
he's far too much!!!nt only did he disrupt my sleep..he used the word chocolate in his blog url...he even changed the msn menu?..u call tat it tat or wad?he went to chang it!!how can he do tat..y re brothers like tat?!cant they treat their sisters better...y he treats my sister better than me??cuz he sees her only twice a week or wad?!life is so unfair..he can gt away wif things...while i cant??unfair..i marks re higher than his yet my parents nvr chided him abt his leh...they chided me..y?y re things like tis...cant everything be successful...cant i ve things my way??y?i hate things as they re...some friendships re re gettin re mendin...y sad things happen to me??y me???
wadsmore he's youger than me...he's far unreasonable than me...cant he treat me better??like how he treat my elder sister???y?y?how cum i ve problems in friendship and kinship??wads gd abt me???take for example my our recent maths common test...i scored37.5/40 yet my dad said 40/40 is gd???!!!tat means my marks is terrible..tats wad he's tryin to tell me..does he knows tat wadever he says leave a deep impression in my heart..he said tat i din study hard enough...i seldom watch tv...they made me slp early at night at 9..they set tis new night cant watch 7 to wadeva time i slp i can only study...
y arent they contented wif my they know tat they re causin a lot of stress..i m so afraid i gt sm marks they arent happy wif n i doubt i can use com le..they may even chang sch for wad they intended to do if i din gt gd results for mid-yr...
cant anyone share my gt heavier n heavier as yr-end exam date is closer n closer...y?y? so much hmwk...haven even started....haix....even tdae i m nt allowed to ve a peaceful stupid brother go on the sound so loud loud....
he is far too much...he copied!!he's a sickenin copycat!!or copydog..wadeva...his blog url is irritatin...i hate him more nw...
y re brothers like tis...cant he giv their sisters more joy than sadness...d no. of times he gav me joy, i can count wif my the case of sadness...its far too much...i doubt i can count it...
hu can help chang my bkground..its so disgustin...yuck!!
ps:flood my tagboard..its few tags...
Friday, September 15, 2006
everyone please do not post any tags before huiqing.. let her be the first one to tag at her own tagboard..
huiqing: after u tag and see this note, pls delete this post.
(to delete go edit post there and click delete)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
colours can oso represent feelings. .e.g. black can mean a person feeling helpless, hopeless,down... blue means loneliness, moody,uphappy... *monday blues* green means jealously*umm..i ve no idea how to sp tis word <-*, envy of smone.. white can mean elegant, pure, innocent....
hmm... the other colours i m nt so sure.... red means anger?or bluntness? pink?embarrass?ashamed? yellow and orange means happy?euphoric?hopeful?cheerful? purple leh?urgh so many colours... how i know all...
haix...despite nt knowin y things mus turn out tis way...friends advised me to treat them the same,equally,treat them like they had nt quarrel b4...i m still very uncertain abt tis...i will try...and be happy...although its so hard to be happy when u see friends breakin...wad can i let time heal wounds?bOohOo..umm..i nt sure they gt wounds or nt..aiya anything larz..
when will ms wong come bk??i dun really like tat ye lao shi teachin us chinese...nt sayin tat her teachin style is nt gd...i juz dun like i mus say she is fiercer than ms wong...tmr gt test..i haven study....
urgh,i m still confused...the stupid chemical difficult and confusin...wad physical and chemical changes...wad heat, light, mixing and passin electric current or smt confusing...i think i really need tuition....
who knows wad she is thinkin...she says she ate the humble pie..not me?i dun gt her...wad she mean..wad incident...i think i m either too stupid or oblivious to my surroundings...
urgh...tdae recieved the exams time table...luckily din fall on my happy...euphoric....i dun ve to go to sch on my bdae!!!mayb gt to go out tat dae...
wish i can stay in the best class in express...faith2/1...
i hope and hope with all my heart
yay!!gt a blog bt gt lots of questions...
where to paste the code thingy..i juz cant find this is where u enter ur CBOX code:
whaaa...i cant find...wher is it...i so stupid...haix...still cant figure it out...
sobs*tdae no music test..wasted my time revisin it....haix...tmr gt chinese ke nei test...still haven study....tmr still gt gg...6o'clock then end...still gt 1hr of patrol time...
i gt very low marks for tdae the music quiz...4.5/10 is spellin error..another one is i read wrongly...the others is i dunoe how to do...haix..
my maths test gt 37.5/40...scared my parents nt happy....lost the 2.5 marks at the last page...sobs*
Hii everyone! This is Heather..
But its Huiqing's blog.. Linkk her kaes??
See.. I and Huiqing so close.. the blog URL is similar..
Hope Huiqing blog is a SUCCESS!!!!
Huiqing thanks Heather for helping with her blog.
Ahh. Love it. <3